Palm trees:
- Trachycarpus fortunei
- Trachycarpus wagnerianus X fortunei
- Phoenix canariensis
- Washingtonia robusta
- Chamaerops humilis
- Passiflora caerulea
- Passiflora Constance Elliott
- Mandevilla
- Solanum jasminoides
- Trachelospermum Jasminoides
- Actinidia chinensis (Jenny)
- Vitis vinifera (Bianca)
- Akebia quinata
- Campsis tagliabuana 'Mme Galen'
- Thunbergia alata
- Opuntia vulgaris
- Delosperma cooperi
- Delosperma congesta
- Aptenia cordifolia
- Yucca gloriosa 'Variegata'
- Yucca flaccida
- Lewisia cotyledon
- Agave from Mallorca
- Acer 'Bloodgood'
- Surinam red pepper
- Olea europea
- Hibiscus syriacus
- Cordyline australis pupurea
- Choisya 'Aztec Pearl'
- Viburnum tinus 'Gwenllian'
- Nerium Oleander
- Canna Indica Tenerife
- Musa 'Dwarf Cavendish'
- Ensete ventricosum Maurelli
- Fargesia murieliae
- Eucomis Bicolor
- Bougainvillea
Here are the results of the summer of 2009:

The plants near the front door are (semi) tropical as well. The Passiflora shows good growth again after being vandalized (cut at the ground by an unknown person) about 10 weeks ago:

No tropical plant, but it does show nice warm colors:

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